The Case for “ICE” (in case of emergency) Meals

ICE, ICE, baby… (sorry, I had to :)

Photo by Freddy G on Unsplash

We’ve all been there. You plan out everything you want to eat this week and then the day comes and something falls off the rails - your cravings aren’t the same, work got stressful, time got away from you - so what do you do?

Enter the beauty of an “ICE” (in case of emergency) meal.

What’s an In Case of Emergency meal?? Glad you asked. It’s something that is 90-100% ready to be cooked and requires minimal (ideally zero) prep from you - so think freezer burritos, PB&Js, frozen meals, Costco’s chicken pot pies, grilled cheese & canned soup, frozen veggies, pouches of instant rice, etc… An ICE meal is also:

  • Food that is hard for you to get sick of

  • Something you could see yourself being able to keep “in stock” most weeks

  • A good mix of pantry/fridge/freezer options (unless you have a chest freezer and in that case, I am insanely jealous)

On a good week, I know I have at least 2-3 ICE meals ready to go for when life gets in the way of my best-laid plans. ICE meals are also wonderful additions to the grocery order if you’re hoping to transition from eating out to cooking more at home, want to reduce food waste, and stay on your budget! It’s a win all around :)

Need help with meal planning (without the “meal prep” of it all)? Consider signing up for my newsletter or scheduling a discovery call!


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