Make peace with your body & find food freedom

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN), I have dedicated my career to empowering my clients to reclaim their body autonomy by finding food freedom and making peace with their bodies.

What I specialize in:

  • Eating Disorder Recovery

    Having experience working in higher levels of care as well as in an outpatient setting, I help clients work towards a sustainable recovery from eating disorders & disordered eating. My experience includes treating: Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN), Binge-eating Disorder (BED), ARFID, Eating Disordered unspecified & more.

  • Intuitive Eating

    Tired of dieting but struggling to see another way? I can help guide you through the Intuitive Eating process, empowering you to reconnect with your inner Intuitive Eater and find food freedom.

  • Sports Nutrition

    Fueling your body for competition does not have to be complicated! Let me help you optimize your training by making sure your nutritional bases are covered.

  • Trauma-Informed & Inclusive Care

    It is my utmost priority to create a safe space for my clients to do this work. I practice from a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach and provide LGBTQ+ welcoming & affirming care.

  • Medical Nutrition Therapy

    Get a scary diagnosis from your doctor? Not sure where to start? Using a non-diet approach, I can help you manage conditions such as high cholesterol, PCOS, hypertension, diabetes, and more!

  • Body Image Healing

    Struggling to make peace with your body in a fatphobic world? My approach rests on the foundation of empowering clients to reclaim their body autonomy & develop self-compassion through a social justice lens.

Using a compassionate and empathetic approach that prioritizes your lived experience, I can help you discover a recovery and a relationship with food that is YOURS and help you feel more empowered to tackle what’s next in your life.


No matter where you are on your journey, you deserve to

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